Other Great Blogs and Sites

Blogs and Resources of Interest:

The loft - www.loft.org
A literary center in Minnesota, featuring fiction, non fiction and poetry classes; events featuring various authors; and mentor programs.

Helping Writers Become Authorshttp://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/
Author K.M. Weiland's blog full of excellent how-to guides for developing characters, plots and story structure.

Goins, Writer http://goinswriter.com/
Blog by author Jeff Goins about writing, publishing and making a living as a writer.

Fiction University - http://blog.janicehardy.com/
Writer Janice Hardy's blog on everything from starting to write to common writing problems and getting published.

The Creative Penn - http://www.thecreativepenn.com/
Joanna Penn's blog about her writing and an excellent resource for self-publishing.

Extra Credits - http://extra-credits.net/
A video game blog by game developers who appreciate the power and potential of video games.