Jun 6, 2014

Hellooo World

Allow me to introduce myself....

I go by B Houston, I've been on Blogger for about 7 years and I've made 1 blog post.  And now, for now reason other than my own boredom, I'm dusting off the old blog and giving it a face lift!

Ok so maybe my blog's resurrection does correspond with one realization I've made in my life: I am a writer.  And I mean that not in the "I've already written something that's been published" sense, but in the "I'm not happy unless I'm working on a book or story, developing characters and imagining plot twists" sense.  I should have figured this out a while ago; I always was writing stories when I was little, I tried writing a never-ending story at age 12, and I bored all my friends when we saw movies because I wanted to talk about character motivation afterwords.

Whenever people would talk about how they knew that doing a certain thing was their calling, I always thought "how can you possibly know that for sure?" Well it makes a lot more sense to me now; all I really want to do is write books, screenplays and story lines for video games. I mean I'm very aware that publishing a book is hard, but I'm determined to do so, and I'll continue to write book after book until I do publish simply because it's the only thing I can see myself still doing 5-10 years from now.  My goal is to one day be able to afford to write full-time. I have a ways to go before I get there though. Don't get me wrong, I have a full-time job now and I'm working on some other paying side projects too, so I have a little cushion.

At any rate, I'm working on a book right now (working title is "Nearly Immortal") and I'm gathering research and developing a character for another.  I also love talking about stories; what happens in The Hunger Games, Breaking Bad, or Mass Effect and whether we should consider it to be a good story.  So I'm sure I'll end up posting a lot about writing, characters, stories and the like. But I'll also probably go on some rants about random stuff like sports, current events, video games, how hard it is to find a hat that's fits you well when you have dreadlocks, the moral bankrupting of society at large.... the weather, you know, the stuff like that.

So I guess the real goal of writing here is to continue my passion for writing, give everyone an idea of the stuff that goes on in my head, and kill some time.  As time goes on I'm sure I'll tell you more about my background and family and stuff, but let's save that for another post.  I have to give you some reason to come back right?

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